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LinkedIn Adds Newsletters for Company Pages

Did you know that you can use your Company Page to create your own newsletters in the app?

This new feature includes new notifications for page followers for newsletter updates.

As LinkedIn explains:

“We debuted Articles for Pages last year to help you publish long-form professional content to spark conversations and drive greater engagement. We continue to look for meaningful ways to connect as we navigate our new world of work, and that’s why we’re introducing Newsletters, a new way to build communities around topics that matter most to your customers with recurring Articles from your Page that members can subscribe to.”

The key advantage for brands is the capacity to notify Page followers with newsletter updates, via an automatic, one-time alert to their audience for every new issue. Subscribers will also be able to opt-in to get email notifications of future updates.

Couldn’t it get overwhelming?

If you choose to subscribe to a newsletter, that’s one thing, but it could be a problem if lots of Pages that you follow to start using it as a new ‘growth hack’, and a way to push their latest promotions into your stream.

We’ll soon find out, with the option now being rolled out to company pages in the app

How to create a newsletter

To create a newsletter on your Company Page, click ‘Write an article” at the top of your home page, which will then take you to the publishing tool. If you have access, you’ll see the ‘Create a newsletter’ option here.

Click here to read the original article.

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