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Sensory marketing leads to a sales increase of 10 percent at the PoS

Numerous results of Mood Media's study "Quantifying the Effects of Sensory Marketing" underline the emotional influence of sensory marketing on the mood of customers, and that buying behaviour is positively changed as a result.

The study shows that sensory marketing can lead to an increase in turnover of ten percent. In addition, shoppers spend an average of six minutes longer in the store when a pleasant shopping atmosphere is created via digital signage, sound and fragrance.

"We know that a pleasant atmosphere is crucial for 78 percent of buyers when it comes to the question of whether they prefer to shop locally or online. In the neurological study with Walnut Unlimited, we wanted to examine which individual factors in sensory marketing have which influence on customer behavior," says Scott Moore, Global CMO at Mood Media. "When sensory elements are strategically prioritized in the design and establishment of a store, they have a direct positive impact on the emotional condition of customers. And this leads to directly measurable effects."

Evidence of the positive influence of sensory marketing

Customers buy more products (increase of four percent) - and more expensive products (on average the value of goods increases by six percent) if sensory marketing is used.

The use of fragrances is very effective when it is concentrated in certain areas in the store. In Intersport's football department, for example, the emotional level of visitors rose by 28 percent when a special fragrance concept was used.

The use of fragrance also led to a 26 percent increase in sales in the football department of the test store (compared to the sales in the corresponding departments of the other stores).

Eye-tracking studies (ET) show that the attention paid to digital in-store screens increases by five percent when videos and moving images are played instead of static images.

GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) measurements show that customers become restless when sensory elements are missing in the shop. 17 percent of shoppers feel much more uncomfortable in an unusually quiet and stimulus-free shopping environment.

Consumers like to look at themselves. The study’s authors describe this effect as the "Science of Narcissism". GSR and ET measurements show that the buyer's nervous system is significantly stimulated when they can look at themselves in the mirror and interact with the products there.

The emotional reactions of customers increase by 50 percent when they touch products and can deal with them. These results underline how important stationary retail is for the shopping experience.

"We will continue to make sure that our Omnichannel strategy offers our store customers an impressive and sustainable customer experience," says Chris Kleine, Director of Design & Development at IIC-Intersport Intl Corp, "because the study clearly shows how important sensory elements are to create an emotionally positive environment in the shop and thus ensure that customers enjoy coming back.

On behalf of Mood Media, the market research institute Walnut Unlimited, together with the sports retailer Intersport, carried out the study "Quantifying the effects of sensory marketing".

In order to understand how Intersport's customers react to sensory elements, a shop in Amsterdam experimented with two phases. In the "All Senses" phase, all sensory elements were activated, including music, the scent of fresh grass and animated digital screens.

In the second phase, all these elements were missing. The results were then compared with three Intersport Control Stores, where nothing was changed during the study period.

To measure the impact of sensory marketing and gain insights into consumer behavior, Walnut Unlimited conducted measurements in the areas of Galvanic Skin Responses (GSR) and Visual Eye Tracking (ET).

Photo by Charles on Unsplash

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